a Star is born – another one?

Posted in another one, blog, future, movie, music, star on August 18, 2010 by selsnyc

Obviously I should have chosen another title for my „unique“ blog, ‚cause after googling those very words I almost collapsed due to the fact that there are so many, many, too many websites with equal title (Not to mention uncountable reviews about the three famous movies). But which other phrase would explain better what I’m constantly thinking of.  No matter if I watch tv, go to „the movies“ (if anyone can call it that anymore,  motion pictures simply aren’t what they used to be…) listen to music (classical, popular, whatever) or just walk through the town I live in (sometimes I also do that in another one), all the time I’m  trying to figure out who’s gonna be the new „special“ one with the little something extra to rock the world. There have been only few times where I’ve predicted some unknown actor/actress or musician to be a major star in the near future and wasn’t right [well –  call it a gift:)].

After watching a B-Movie with some unknown actress, I thought she might get better parts in the future. Who would know then, she turnes out to be Catherine Zeta-Jones?

When I saw this guy with the long blond wig the first second of his rare screentime in Lord of the Rings I nudged my best friend (who intented to do the same) because I was just paralysed by this elfs aura. Guess whose poster was sold out first…ORLANDO!!!

The same with 3-time Emmy-Award winner Jennifer Finnigan. Saw her on B&B and considered her for better parts in better shows.

All in all I could have said these were coincidences. That’s exactly why I started this blog. Now I’m trying to figure out if I can predict more of this in the next time. So if you’re interested in a Star is born?, hold on!


Posted in Uncategorized on August 17, 2010 by selsnyc

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